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Paid USA Summer Camp looking for Swedish People!

Earn SEK23,000 this summer at camp in America, making friends from all over the world, working with kids, travelling around the USA and so much more!

1 - 40 timmar per vecka


Wild Packs has been sending Swedish students to Camp in America for many years and we pride ourselves on being a genuinely caring team focused on matching the most appropriate summer camp to each applicant. Previous experience working with children is NOT essential as all training will be provided at camp before the campers arrive. We are here to help coach you through the application process and make sure we find the perfect summer home for you!

You will also be paid a minimum of $2000 (SEK23,000) for your time at camp to use in post camp travels. A summer camp experience is held with a great deal of respect by graduate employers. It is a very safe environment to take yourself out of your comfort zone, try new skills and work alongside others from all around the world. You will absolutely improve your self-confidence, your ability to work with others, your interpersonal skills and will return with an awesome insight to American culture.

There is no cost to start your application and you do not need any previous experience to qualify. We are simply looking for individuals with a positive outlook and who may or may not have a particular skill or hobby they could share at camp. Camps look to hire a broad range of skill sets, the full list of which you can see on our website when you apply. You can expect to be at camp from around mid-June to early August, with an additional thirty days travel time post camp to travel around America with your new camp friends. This is truly one of the most fulfilling and valuable ways to spend your summer months for both personal growth and in strengthening the value of you when it comes to graduate employers. So why not start your application today!

Applications for summer 2023 are open now.

Vad vi erbjuder:

  • All food and accommodation provided throughout the duration of your contract.
  • Minimum SEK 23,000 salary (US Dollars to spend traveling after camp)
  • Travel time of up to 2 months in the States before and/or after camp has finished.
  • Complete medical insurance throughout the duration of your stay in the US.
  • Full onsite training is provided.
  • Free online application
  • Partnered with international SIM providers.
  • Help finding the best flights to and from the USA

Vad vi ber om:

  • Ingen utbildning krävs
  • No Minimum Work experience required! This is for you!
  • Team player
  • Fun & Outgoing!
  • Not afraid to show off their English skills


Är du den perfekta kandidaten? Klicka på "Ansök nu" så kontaktar vi dig så fort vi kan!

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Extra information

Önskad utbildningsnivå
Annan, Grundskola, Gymnasium, Universitet/Högskolestudier, Yrkesutbildning
Antal timmar per vecka
1 - 40
Typ av kontrakt
Heltidsjobb (förstajobb), Deltidsjobb, Extrajobb, Sommarjobb, Vikariat/Projektanställning, Volontärarbete, Gap year
Ansvarig för
Leading as a summer camp worker
Typ av jobb
Turism, Utbildning
Körkort önskas
Tillgång till bil önskas
Personligt brev krävs

Topjob | Nationell | Turism | Utbildning | Heltidsjobb (förstajobb) | Deltidsjobb | Extrajobb | Sommarjobb | Vikariat/Projektanställning | Volontärarbete | Gap year | Annan | Grundskola | Gymnasium | Universitet/Högskolestudier | Yrkesutbildning