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Video Editor Internship i Sweden

We are a social network that was launched one year ago and has been growing rapidly. A winner of KTH Innovation pre-incubator in Stockholm also been selected as a successful showcase in Silicon Valley by the hosted social network builder company Mighty Networks. We have over than 17K followers on our Facebook page and more than 25 K users on our website. The team consists of 60 multinational talented people that operate in 15 countries. Now we are looking for a video editor to join our dream!

Om tjänsten

We are looking for a video editor to help us create a frequent video production. This position will report directly to our Video Director and be responsible for video creation and content across all our platform (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).


Qualifications and Skills

  • Passionate about making short-form content - promos, and trailers

  • Ability to work with audio in creative and surprising ways

  • Good sense of timing, pacing and controlling story flow through editing.

  • Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects experience

  • Motion graphics experience a plus

  • Familiarity operating DSLR camera or something similar is a plus


Globuzzer Video Sample

1. Ultimate Travel Guide of Stockholm


2. Karst Mountain in Indonesia


3. Maldives Your Bucket List



If you think you can create similar or better video from our Globuzzer Video Sample, you are our perfect candidate!

Apply now and we will be in touch.


Note that GLOBUZZER AB does not grant any work or study visa, also any connection with work union support cannot be guaranteed. If this message concerning you, contact us before the meeting.


The internship is UNPAID.

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Extra information

Önskad utbildningsnivå
Typ av kontrakt
Internship, Traineeship
Typ av jobb
Online marketing
Körkort önskas
Tillgång till bil önskas
Personligt brev krävs

Online marketing | Internship | Traineeship | Universitet/Högskolestudier