Inaktiv platsannons

Digital Marketing Coordinator (entry level, thesis project, student employee) i Umeå

Are you passionate about data and what we can learn from it and eager to start your career in digital marketing? If you've just graduated, want to write your thesis at a workplace, or work as a student employee, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

15 - 38 timmar per vecka
160.00SEK per timme


Join our Sales and Marketing team! We are on the lookout for a digital marketing coordinator responsible for analyzing media coverage and delivering meaningful insights into our clients, target groups, and industry. Working with the latest digital marketing automation tools, these insights should be transformed into automated marketing toward the groups we want to target. We have a strong belief that Sales can be Marketing and your responsibility is to automate the process of building awareness and educating our potential clients so that they come to us instead of our sales team having to find them. We work entirely with B2B clients, so this is an investigative task to find the key decision-makers and the right type of messaging to spark their interest.

Responsibilities include:

  • Assisting the team with sales-supporting insights, data analysis, and presentations. 

  • Working, testing, and evaluating different digital marketing tools and methods. 

  • Being proactive and researching our industry.

  • Delivering on analytical or tracking request
  • Identifying opportunities for optimization of business aspects such as advertisements, and website content.

Vad vi erbjuder:

  • flexible work hours
  • a fun and welcoming work environment
  • weekly training session and UPC
  • the best coffee maker in Umeå

Vad vi ber om:

  • Du studerar vid en Högskola/Universitet
  • you are communicative
  • you are eager to learn
  • you are a team player
  • you are a problem solver
  • you like (analyzing) data


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Extra information

Reach out if you 

  • Want to work at our office in Umeå (with flexibility for occasional remote work)

  • Have just finished your studies, want to write your master’s thesis at a workplace or want to work as a student employee while finishing your studies.

  • Have a Bachelor's degree in marketing, business administration, economics, or equivalent work experience.

  • Are a team player

  • Have strong organizational and communication skills.

  • Have a digital-savvy and data-curious mindset combined with a good understanding of business and marketing.

  • Have the ability to effectively switch between strategic advice and hands-on execution.

  • Are someone who walks that extra mile to deliver on promises.

  • Are highly self-motivated with a drive to be a key contributor to growing our global growth.

We will attribute great importance to personal suitability and culture. 

We offer you:

  • A fun and very nice office environment close to the city center.
  • A manager that is there to support you.
  • An understanding that you will not perform at work unless your family is happy.

  • A competitive salary and benefits package.

Önskad utbildningsnivå
Universitet/Högskolestudier, Yrkesutbildning
Antal timmar per vecka
15 - 38
Typ av kontrakt
Heltidsjobb (förstajobb), Deltidsjobb, Extrajobb
160.00SEK per timme
Ansvarig för
To succeed in this role you need to combine market research, business understanding, and very strong skills in working with digital tools.
Typ av jobb
Marknadsföring / PR, Online marketing
Körkort önskas
Tillgång till bil önskas
Personligt brev krävs
Engelska, Svenska

Umeå | Online marketing | Marknadsföring / PR | Jobb för marknadsförare | Jobb för digitala marknadsförare | Heltidsjobb (förstajobb) | Deltidsjobb | Extrajobb | Universitet/Högskolestudier | Yrkesutbildning